Featured Work
Check out some of our previous web design works and case studies.
Hawkesbury Cranes
A proof of conecpt site that shows you don’t have to make major changes to a site design and layout in order to modernise it for the ever-changing landscape of internet browsers.
Hawkesbury Cranes’ old website was outdated, full of broken links, and not mobile friendly. To top it off, the SSL certificate had expired and their host refused to fix it for them, further breaking the website.

BBB Restorations and Customs
One of my first forays into Web Design as Solutions By Brendan; BBB Restorations and Customs required an upgrade from their existing Wix website.
As their budget was tight, I aimed to create a simple yet elegant site that would attract visitors and garner more business for them. Three years on, and the work has paid off! Their website is one of the most high-trafficing websites on my shared hosting system.

Case studies
We’re still putting this together.
Check back soon!

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